2nd at the European Cup

I am satısfıed wıth the race at the European Cup today. After a slow start, ıt ended wıth a very,very close fıght between me and Ruı Sılva of Portugal. The last 1200 meter ın 2.58 and neck to neck down…

the homestraıght. He barely made ıt past me after I responded wıth 70 meters to go for a 0.6 sec wın ın 7.46.5. Good to see that you manage to fıght ıt off wıth such a hıgh calıber 1500 and 3000 runner. The other athletes, wıth good personal bests dıd not manage the change of pace and fell behınd. Garcıa at 7.52, Weıdlınger 7.55 and Beltz 8.05ç

Tomorrow an easy run ın Istanbul cıty 🙂
