400s on the track

The beautiful weather in the Alps continue, and it was great to run a hard 400 meter session on the track this morning. I usually like to run those hard sessions late in the evening, but have found out that my bio-rythms are different at altitude so…

most quality work is done early (just like the Kenyans like to do it)

It is hard to compare sessions, but I am progressing. Which is the most important thing at this moment.

Yesterday Frank and I decided to try the running conditions up at our hotel at 2500 meters altitude. It looks really rocky up there, and we had very little expectations. But 15 minutes into the run, the whole surrounding changed into nice, smooth running paths on the edge of the mountains. So we ended up running 17 km, watching over the towns of Pontresina, Semedan and St.Moritz. A good change to the normal running places down in St.Moritz πŸ™‚

All well from here !
