am back to primary school – sit still, listen, sit still 🙂 Lots of team building and things. On Friday, part of that was to learn (Kenyan) Masai war dance (!) I quickly found out that running was more my thing… but we had a great time. I think especially the 2004 team gatherings are important. Not because of what is done and said, but because it mentally prepares your for the Olympics. It started already 1 1/2 years ago, so really early. Plus, you get to know the people that will be with the Norwegian team in the Olympic Village and that makes the whole situation down there more comfortable. I remember in Sydney 2000, how big things were. You sort of drown in all of it. But by building a group of people that knows eachother I believe you can help to elimiate some of that.
One more lecture up there to go. Then back to normal days again 🙂