Great week of training

I had a great week of training last week in the beautiful fall weather here in Oslo. Very heavy mileage and a good high percent of it anaerobic treshold +/- work. I have also put in some longer runs, up to 2 hours, just to get a fine base before my…

first altitude stays.

This Monday was another long track workout. Not too fast, it is just a matter of staying physical and mental in touch with the track. I am a track runner, and I always try to remember this. I am always on the the track weekly, but I am very smart with the intensity. It is not wise to “hammer” great times yearthrough. You have to build. It is like Ingrid Kristiansen once told me ; ” moving to the West coast of Norway (where you have little snow) made us run too fast in the winter. You need progression in what you do.” She is right, you have to build “the machine” step by step otherwise one component will be too weak. And it is too late to find that out in the middle of the summer…

Easy day tomorrow before a couple of hard runs again. When you feel ready for those, there is no need to step back.

All well !


Meeting with the Dutch national middle/longdistance coach last week

Last week I had some great meetings with the national coach of the Netherlands, Honore Hoedt. He is the personal coach of Bram Som (1.43 800) Gert-Jan Liefers (3.32 1500 m), Marko Koers (3.33) and Arnound Okken (1.45 800). The interesting thing with…

the group is that they are well rounded aerobic trained athletes, with an element of speed and strength combined to this. That is quite different than how most 800/1500 meter runners train. But it is quite logical. If you look in terms of depth, no other nation has the depth in the 800 and 1500 meter as the Kenyans. And we know from the longer distances what great endurance talents these runners have. Strange that not alof of middle distance people have picked this up and keep of “hammering” 400 meter repeats until they throw up.

The group of Dutch athletes are planning some altitude training this year, so I will give them a helping hand on this (and we will be together for at least one altitude camp this year in Kenya). In return, Honore will help me with his speed/endurance system. A good plan and a great start for co-operation.

The plan in terms of new coach etc. is not yet set for next year but we are working hard on it. You need the best people out there, but also people with the ability to work team-based to share the knowledge. You have to avoid internal conflicts so that all energy is focused on performing well. We have managed this so far, and will hopefully be able to continue to do so in the future. I hope the team will be ready to go before the 1st of October.

First track session this Monday. Long, slow repeats just to “get a feel” for the running rytms again. Felt fine the whole way through.


First 2002/2003 sessions going fine

I did a 12 km treshold run on Monday as part of a smooth start building up to the 1st of October when I start for real. I took it out pretty hard and tried to float on the speed. I could feel that I have not done much training lately, but at the…

same time my running base now is so good that I will only need a week or two of real training to be in decent shape again.

Not much new here other than that. I feel refreshed and ready to go again now after some rest. My body needed it – both physical and mental. I know I am refreshed when I automatically start planning and dreaming my way through the next training year. I am there now and will continue to think, plan and dream for another two weeks until I start the work needed to reach that next level.

By that time I should have some more news for you – such as training base for next year, the team members and a general outline of the plans.

All well,


Easy building myself up again and treating “old” injuries

I have started a slow and gradual buildup of mileage and intensity now. My body feels rested and ready to start working again after half a year of feeling up and down constantly. That problem has now been treated and I am well again. So I am looking…

forward to a fall of working with a “normal” body again πŸ™‚

I am also trying to get rid of small injuries here and there. Just some minor stuff that it is time to take care of after each season. It all has to be ready for the 1st of October when the real work starts. By that time I need to both be injury free and in such shape that my body can handle the hard work I will challenge myself with. From there on I have almost 11 months until the World Championships in Paris next year that is very late in August ( I think the 5000 meters finale is around the 29th) So plenty of time to get in shape..


Turbulent weeks here in Oslo

There has been a few turbulent weeks now, after the season ended two weeks ago with the race at the European Championships. The end of the story is that I have to change coach for next season and a long and close relationship with Frank is ended. He…

withdrew as a result of the situation we have had recently. No hard feelings from any of us, but it feels sad and difficult. So at the moment I am without a coach and have to start from scratch searching out for new people to work with.

My plan is to start the running season for real again the 1st of October. Until then, most of the team has to be in place for next year. But I will continue to follow much of the path I have found to work so far. And I hope to be back where I belong – much, much faster then this years results.

Back with updates again after a total break from running,


In the Athletes Village – 3 days to go

I have arrived well in the Athletes Village here at the European Championships. I arrived early, six days before the competition. I have good experience with this – it is a way of focusing extra for the competition.

The 5000 meter will be a…

direct final, with 24 men in it. I am really looking forward to running, despite the poor performances I have shown so far this year. There is something special about a Championship. The whole atmosphere makes you ready to compete, no matter what.

I am getting better for each day that goes by but it is hard to say how far that will take me. Sundays session was better then Fridays and Tuesdays better then Sunday. So it is moving in the right direction, but I am working against the clock πŸ™‚

Two easy days of training now before the big day Sunday !


800 meter repeats with special guest :)

I did some 800 meter repeats yesterday to get some hard work done before the European Championships where the prelims are Friday and finals Sunday in the 5000 meters.

My manager, StΓ₯le Jan, came along to test lactate acid. And he brought and…

interesting person ; Are Nakkim, Norwegian record holder in the 10 000 meters (27.32) and 2nd place finisher in the European Championships 5000 meters in 1990. He currently lives and works in Singapore, but was briefly home in Norway. So he stayed for the session and we had a long talk afterwards. It is nice to talk to a person who has had a long career and been there before.

I am leaving for Munich in the beginning of next week and looking forward to coming down there. I like the Championship atmosphere, it makes you sharp before the races.

I will try and update from down there if possible and keep you informed.

All fingers crossed ! πŸ™‚


Briefly back in Norway

I have taken a few rest days back in Norway now, after three weeks of altitude training in StMoritz. I had originally planned to stay down in Switzerland/Germany all the way until the European Champs. But due to a need for total rest after the hard…

weeks of training, we took a quick decision to go back to Norway for a few days. It is nice to be back in famililar surroundings again πŸ™‚

I have jogged only easy so far, but am feeling fine. I am looking forward to the European Champs, under two weeks away. That will show if all the work I have done injury free now, will pay off.


400s on the track

The beautiful weather in the Alps continue, and it was great to run a hard 400 meter session on the track this morning. I usually like to run those hard sessions late in the evening, but have found out that my bio-rythms are different at altitude so…

most quality work is done early (just like the Kenyans like to do it)

It is hard to compare sessions, but I am progressing. Which is the most important thing at this moment.

Yesterday Frank and I decided to try the running conditions up at our hotel at 2500 meters altitude. It looks really rocky up there, and we had very little expectations. But 15 minutes into the run, the whole surrounding changed into nice, smooth running paths on the edge of the mountains. So we ended up running 17 km, watching over the towns of Pontresina, Semedan and St.Moritz. A good change to the normal running places down in St.Moritz πŸ™‚

All well from here !


Two easy days

I have now had almost three extremely hard training weeks since the Bislett Games, and yesterday my body asked for some rest. So I ran only one session today and one yesterday. Just very easy to recover.

The hard thing now is that I need to…

peak for the European Champs, build my endurance AND train at race speed at the same time. To peak, build and race-speed train is hard at the same time. Therefore you get days like this, where you just have to rest. Tomorrow I will be fresh again and ready for more hard work.

We have had beautiful weather here lately. Around 25 degrees C, sun and no wind :))

All going well from St.Moritz,
