13.09.19 at the Bislett Games :))

(picture link at the end of article) I set a new Norwegian and Nordic record for 8th place at the Bislett Games Golden League today. Extremely encouraging and it shows that all the hard work I have done over the last year finally pays off….

The race developed with a first 3000 meter where I had to work hard to get in a good rythm. I passed in 7.55 after kilometers of 2.37-2.37-2.41. Then I pressed on and did the last two kilometers in 5.14. I closed in 2.31 and got the record.

It was an incredible adrenaline kick to run in front of the home crowd. They guided me through the last laps, where I advanced from 18th place to 8th. I have never, ever heard anything like that in my whole life. A stadium with full force backing you up. Thank you Bislett !!

The feeling during the race was a bit mixed. I had the time-reference all the time, and I felt that the first 5-6 laps took more energy then expected. But when I turned on the wheels and got some more strength into my stride the lap times dropped. Then I got new hope to get close to the record. I knew I had to run 2.01 in the last 800 meters to run 13.11 and when Ståle Jan, my manager, shouted at me with 200 meters to go I knew I had it.

A dream from I was a kid…..and it was inspiring to see that the best Kenyans were only a few seconds in front – and alot of them behind me. The winner got 13.00. I have never been that close. That does something to your motivation and helps you continue to search for better times and excellence in the sport you enjoy.

Time to get some rest now. It is 2 at night and my body is crying for sleep :)))



1 112 BITOK, Paul KEN 13:00.10

2 126 LIMO, Benjamin KEN 13:01.88

3 168 KIBOWEN, John KEN 13:02.88

4 123 KIPKOSGEI, Luke KEN 13:03.48

5 122 KIPKETER, Sammy KEN 13:03.92

6 124 KOMEN, Daniel KEN 13:07.80

7 114 CARROLL, Mark IRL 13:08.32

8 110 BAKKEN, Marius NOR NR 13:09.19

9 115 CHEBII, Abraham KEN 13:12.53

10 131 NYARIKI, Tom KEN 13:15.05

11 134 VICIOSA, Isaac ESP 13:15.94

12 125 KOSGEI, Joseph KEN 13:16.78

13 113 BOIT, Josphat KEN 13:17.12

14 130 MUGI, Gordon KEN 13:17.40

15 127 MAIYO, Benjamin KEN 13:17.45

16 121 KENNEDY, Bob USA 13:17.51

17 129 MOLINA, Enrique ESP 13:18.20

18 116 GHARIB, Jhouad MAR 13:19.69

19 111 BEKELE, Kenenisa ETH 13:25.86

20 119 KAMATHI, Charles KEN 13:31.56

132 ORNELLAS, Helder POR dnf

120 KEINO, Martin KEN dnf

183 GARHARA, Daniel KEN dnf

Off to Utah, USA for altitude training

I am leaving early tomorrow morning to the Salt Lake City area for altitude training. It will be great to get away now for some nice, quiet training. I am really looking forward to it !

I will stay there as close as possible up to Edmunton…

and the World Championships. There, I will race the 6th and 10th of August.

I have a loooong flight ahead of me. But it will be nice to be back in the US again. It has been 1 1/2 years since I last visited. Since I have lived there for 2 years of my life, it is always special to be back there and relive some of that.

More updates will come from the US. Have to close now. I have had a wonderful day – the first as a sub 13.10 athlete 🙂


Ready for Bislett tomorrow !

I am really looking forward to running on home soil tomorrow. The Bislett Games has always been special to me. As a young kid I went to the meeting and watched the big stars and it was one of my inspirations to be a runner. Then later I got to run…

in a national youth field 800 meter in a pre-event there. And now I am part of the main field in the 5000 meters. It is very, very inspiring to see that you can take those steps.

So how do I feel the day before the race ? I do think the expectations are high – many have talked about the Norwegian record of 13.11. Myself – I am a bit unsure. I had a good 1500 meter last weekend, but my legs have been a bit tired lately. That can go either ways – you can run very fast or moderate. It all depends on if your body takes the “right turn” before the race. It is really up in the air this time and hard to tell. But I have done my job and it should be ok.

I will watch some of the meet before I go warmup tomorrow. I like to rest a little bit at the Stadium before going out to get ready. That is sort of a part of my regular routine. Then it is callrooms and all that before the meeting. But I have been to the place so many times it really feels like I am on the homefield.

I will see how I feel in the first two laps tomorrow and then determine the rest of the race. Hopefully I will be sharp and fast 🙂

Wish me good luck – and all fingers crossed.


2 days to go.

Some track work tomorrow and I am ready for the Bislett Games Golden League. Still feeling fine. The interview today went well – and I also got to meet Ato Boldon who was part of the same program. Quite nice.

I have prepared well, and the…

mental preparations have gone like planned. So has the physical ones. Now it is just to plan the race in detail – taking into consideration the good field and what kind of shape I feel I am in.

I might take a trip down to the participant hotel tomorrow also. One of my old teammates from Indiana University, Tom Chorny, will run the steeple at Bislett so it would be nice to meet him. Also Bob Kennedy will be there – whom I did a couple of workouts with while at Indiana.

All well,


3 days until the Bislett Games

3 days to go…..today I was doing some easy speedwork, strides and some AT work. Nothing special, but very important to keep your legs sharp before a race. I hope for a nice curve before Bislett – I could feel myself a bit tired today….

Tomorrow, I will be on a program called “Sommeråpent” on national TV (“NRK”) in the evening, and on Thursday I will be at the traditional Bislett Strawberry party (before the meet – it is a 30 year tradition) So I will have plenty of little things to do before I race. Just perfect. It gives me a chance to move around and think about other things, while a the same time have enough space to focus on the race. And because the Bislett Stadium is only 5 minutes away from where I live, the travel will be non-existing. Quite nice.

I talked to Svein Arne Hansen, the meet director of Bislett Games, at the Norwegian championships. He seemed anxious about the meet, as always. The field he has put together in the 5000 meters gives me plenty of chance to run a good race, and I am glad he organizes the meet and gives Norwegian athletes the chance to preform well. All thanks to people like that. He opened up for me to run the meeting in 1999, when my personal best was only 13.39 and I ran 13.22 for a huge personal best. I could not have done that/got that chance without the Bislett Games and “Mr.Hansen”.

Time to rest. 10 hours of sleep does the trick. 5000 meters is “only” 12 1/2 laps around the track, but for a young mzungo (“white”) it is more than enough when chasing those Kenyans 🙂


3.40.47 at the Norwegian Championships

I set a personal record of 3.40.47 for the win in the Norwegian Championships today. I am a long distance specialist, and my previous best was 3.43.88. Last years best time of 3.43.95 was set only a few days before I did my 7.42.05.

I was…

feeling fine during the race, and knew I had to push the first 800 meters (passed in around 2.00) to break Kjetil Hodnekvam, my closest competitor. And it worked. But he stuck to me until 100 meters to go, before I pulled away for a 3 seconds win. My first Norwegian Championship 🙂

Tomorrow is only easy running. Now it is time to look towards the Bislett Games 6 days away.


Ready for the Norwegian Championships :)

In two days I will run the 1500 meter at the Norwegian Championships. The startinglists are out now, and it looks like Kjetil Hodnekvam will be my hardest competitor. He beat me last year, and has 1.48 several times in the 800 meter already this…

year. He comes straight down from altitude in St.Moritz and is always strong after those stays. So I will have plenty of work to do. He is aiming for sub 1.47 in the meetings 800 meter, which is the B-standard for the World champs. I think he will get it, he is capable of it with what he has shown earlier this year.

I am only training easy at the moment. Just resting, taking some strides on the track and shorter distance runs. All to recover from Rome and get ready for Bislett. The Norwegian Champs come a bit early, but will be a nice tension builder before Bislett.


Recovering from the race – Norwegian Champs in 5 days.

My body is now into the important healing period after a race. Even though I was more tired and “burned” after last years Rome effort, a 5000 meter always takes a few days to recover from. At the same time, I must keep my body going a bit. I have…

the Norwegian Championships 1500 meter on Saturday, where I will be challenged by fast 800 meter specialists. It might be a bit too close to the 5000 meter for full recovery/effort, but I will do my best.

It has been nice to have some easy days after Rome. The day after the race, I went on an easy run in one of Romes old parks “Villa Pamphelia”. Beautiful little paths through gardens, flowers and sculptures. A taste of Italy for sure. I like to look around a bit when I am out travelling. Otherwise I know I will regret it later. Especially when the race is over – there is no reason to just sit in the hotelroom until you go back home again.

Then I did a little bit of running yesterday. Just so much that I will recovery faster without breaking down my body more. Recovery is the main aim now. I have the Bislett Games Golden League here in Oslo, only 11 days away (5000 meters)…..an important meet for me to do well in, on home soil. And I love the track there – it is so fast with long straightaways and short curves. Perfect for a long distance athletes. Plus it is only 5 minutes away from where I live, and I can get ready with no disturbances.

After that I am off to the US and Salt Lake City for altitude training, leaving the 15th of July. This to get prepared for the World Championships in Edmunton……got the final signal from the federation today that I have been picked.


5 days until first 5000 meter of the season

Only 5 days left until the season debute in my favourite distance the 5000 meters. So what are my goals for the race ? Last year it was to get under the qualifying time for the Olympics, 13.20. This year, I will once again use the first 5000 meter…

to get under a Championship standard. For the World Championships in Edmunton, Canada (where the 5000 meters is the 6th (prelims) and the 10th (finals) of August) the IAAF A-standard is 13.25. The Norwegian qualification time is the same. We do not have trials – like for example the US, so basically as long as your are under that set time you are qualified. That has to be my main focus for the race – and anything better is a bonus.

My body feels fine, but I am still working on that groin muscle injury. Luckily I have small machines myself to get treatment with, plus I get lots of massage. I think I will make it fine for Rome – but I am glad it was not one or two weeks earlier. That could have meant trouble. Now it should not be a problem.

Time to rest. Sleep is important now 🙂
