First full 400 meters workout today

I did the first outdoors 400 meters session today with full length of the workout. I usually do half of those workouts when I run indoors, but now it is time to get ready for some racing. Especially since I am leaving to Bolivia pretty soon. This is…

the time to start that kind of work. The altitude in Bolivia limits the length of those sessions and I know they are one of the keys to success in the 5000 meters. Long, hard repeats with extremely short recoveries.

The session today went fine, but like always you have to work hard on the first one of any kind of new session each spring. You have to adapt and get into a rytm. For that I usually need 2-3 sessions of the same kind before I feel comfortable.

Frank pushed me through the last heavy ones and I really needed that. But it is a great feeling to know that you have worked your way through. It is all about talent and hard work combined.

Tomorrow is a long treshold session. Just nice and comfortable 🙂
