First hard workouts over here :)

I have started the hard buildup now with the first really good quality workout yesterday. Originally I was planning to run most of the session by myself as I was unsure of how the pace of Henrik and myself would fit eachother. But midways through…

the session we ran into eachother on the path and the pace was close enough so I just adjusted the rest of my session. It is dead flat over here so you get a smooth stride on the hard packed cinder paths. Perfect this time a year when you need to get into the rythm again after spending the fall on the treadmill..

Days go by fast over here. So far this January they have had 8 degrees above C average weather so great for training. You cannot be asking for more than nice running conditions and nice weather this time a year if you are used to the Norwegian winters.

In between sessions we are being taken care of by an American family over here who has also been to Norway (lecturing at the Univ). They are friends of my manager Staale Jan and personal friends of Jack Waitz, so we are being taken good care of πŸ™‚

I love being back in the US again. You start to remember why you spent some of your best running years over here. Inspirational and a good way to start the new year !

The link on the previous post is now active with pictures.

All well from Tampa, Florida
