solo, with a babyjogger in front of him with all his stuff like tent etc (!) Interesting to get his view on running, it is totally different than what I am used to – but at the same time very goal oriented. You have to admire someone like that, not only for the joy of running that we both have but also for the patience it takes for such long journeys.
Training hard today plus yesterday. A couple of the intervall runs have been run on asphalt since Henrik is getting ready for them marathon. Fine for me, I like to mix it up a bit as long as the majority of the session is on soft cinder/mud.
I still enjoy the softness in the training paths you get here, in the small forest around here. The forest is not extremely bitg but I actually got lost in it yesterday doing an intervall session and ended with three more runs. I was never very good at orienteering..
Well, time for dinner now. Got to fill up the body after the hard training 😉
Pressing on,
ps : link to photoes on previous post now activated