Probably first small start with spikes soon

Except for the winters sprint sessions, I have yet to use the spikes on trainings this year. But hopefully by the middle of next week they will be tried on for a session or two 🙂 So preparing myself for that – and making sure that the legs are ready for it. Plenty of fysio..

Published: Sat, 27 May 2006 by Marius

The next week will be pretty heavy in terms of training, as well as the first part of the next one. After that in about three weeks, off to St Moritz and altitude there. St Moritz is probably the one of the nicest places in the world for training, so going there for the 5th year in a row.

The altitude there will be perfect now. If you do altitude training with the precision needed, it has an extreme effects on the system. I would say that it works for all athletes, at least over 1500 meters – it is just a matter of knowing how to do it well. If you know that, it is one of the most potent things you can do as an elite athlete – and one of the things one should do get out that last of the full potential. So really looking forward to that.

All well other than that. Cannot wait for some faster work on the track when the summer comes around 🙂
