Smooth start with 400 meter intervalls

Today I did a set series of 400 meter intevalls on the track as the first really hard longer track session of the year. I have done this session as the “start up” session every season since 1999. It is a good way to start off, both because you may…

compare it to earlier years and because you get a gradual feeling for the longer tartan work again.

It was windy and chilly but I felt fine throughout the session. It was a controlled effort and together with Eystein my coach, we had planned a number of factors to determine the paces/times. I had to be within certain limits to be allowed to continue the session. I like these kind of guidelines – it is great to both keep you focused and to control yourself. Running is a lot about self control – not only when it comes to self discipline (doing the work) but also when it comes to doing it right when the adrenaline pumps during a session.

Tomorrow is a flushout session on the treadmill. A good effort to work the system just hard enough to help it get back into normal again quickly šŸ™‚
